April 16, 2024

N - Nature


Theme: Grief Work and Healing Journey

The week after my mom passed away, I went to Erna Nixon Park, a nature park with a nice, boarded pathway. I walked it with my dad and stepmom as a distraction, to get out of the house, and to be in nature.

Before I left, I sat down on a bench in a little tree nook and spoke out loud to my mom. I don't remember what I said. Maybe I apologized for my what I regretted and felt guilty about, as I had times before then and times after that. I might've just told her I loved her and missed her. Or I did a combination of all of that. Either way, what I said wasn't really important. What was important was that I spoke to her because I needed that.

I also took a bunch of pictures and posted a few photo dumps on Instagram. 

Like these:

The following month, I did it again, but by myself. I was able to take my time, enjoy the trees and the chirping sound of birds. I had also left behind a few ladybug rocks in honor of my mom.

See: L - Ladybug Rocks

It's a nice time out in nature and good exercise, so I decided then to make it a monthly date. Just me and Mother Nature. I did it, at least, until I started my new job.

Interesting Trees:

I am fascinated by things that grow on trees:

Gnome Doors:

A video I made of the towering trees along the path:

Haiku I wrote during my second visit:

Erna Nixon Park

Towering trees everywhere

Take a walk with me.

I also try to go to another local park to sit and be still. This is the tree I like to visit:



B - Beach

C - Church

D - Donating

E - Epistle (Letter from Heaven)

F - Facebook Posts

G - Grief Share

H - Haiku Poetry

I - Imari

J - Job (New Job)

K - Kitchen Time

L - Ladybug Rocks #LadyBugRocksFL

M - Miracle Moments

N - Nature


  1. Being outside, particularly among trees, is therapeutic. I love trees.

  2. Stay as close to nature as you can as long as you need to. I truly believe nature offers the calm we are all looking for and has the healing power our souls need. Hugs to you!

  3. I completely agree with you, there is something special about nature. my favorite things to do is go for trail ride or nature walk, especially if i have a lot on my mind and need to work it out.

    1. Going for a walk in nature is one of the best things we can do when we have something on our minds that need to get worked out.

  4. Yes, it is definitely good to get out into nature sometimes. I'm glad it brings you solace.

  5. Nature has a unique way to heal. Love the photos.

    Ronel visiting for N: My Languishing TBR: N
