December 14, 2020

What's Your Writer's Bane? / Guest Post by Sandra Cox / Gwen Slade Bounty Hunter

I am happy to welcome Sandra Cox to my blog. She's introducing us to one of her heroines of steel...Gwen Slade, who is a bounty hunter. I love that!

Welcome Sandra!

Writer’s Bane

I Got It

by Sandra Cox


December 02, 2020

Help! Again / IWSG Book Club News / Cover Reveal + Pre-Order Sale


Yes, I know...I'm asking for participants yet again. This blog tour is for the conclusion to the Disaster Crimes series, A Fighting Chance (Book 6). Each post will also announce a short story (Disaster Crimes 7, an eBook that'll be free for a limited time), and I'll be launching a website inspired by this series. So, I could use all the blogs I can get to help spread the word on all this stuff. :D

There will be a giveaway you can enter that's a part of the tour. I will also do a giveaway among my blog tour sign-ups. INCENTIVE! (Bribery hahaha)

Blog Tour Dates - January 11 - 29, 2021

November 23, 2020

5 Things To Know Before You Self-Publish a Book on Amazon by Desiree Villena / Guest Post


Please help me to welcome Desiree Villena to Write with Fey. She has an amazingly detailed post for you all about self-publishing with Amazon. Thank you, Desiree!

5 Things To Know Before You Self-Publish a Book on Amazon

by Desiree Villena

Self-publishing via Amazon can be very attractive — it’s the largest marketplace for ebooks, and incredibly convenient for authors to boot!

That said, there are some finer points about how Amazon’s self-publishing process works that might not be apparent at first glance. Fortunately, I’m here with a handy list of five things you should know before you commit to Amazon self-publishing, so you’re aware which parts of the fine print might be crucial for your book sales later on. Let’s dive right in!

November 16, 2020

Why Write a Novella? / Liftoff by Tyrean Martinson / Guest Post

Please help me welcome Tyrean Martinson to Write with Fey! She's telling us all about her new release Liftoff, a fun story that you'll be able to sink into and enjoy from beginning to end. Plus, you'll be excited (and anxious) to read what'll happen to next.

Why Write a Novella?

by Tyrean Martinson

November 12, 2020


It's time for a Christmas giveaway! Are you getting geared up for the shopping season? Do you need extra cash for Christmas?? Don't we all!


It's time for a Christmas giveaway! Are you getting geared up for the shopping season? Do you need extra cash for Christmas?? Don't we all!

We are so excited to be giving away $675 in cash prizes for you to use starting this Thanksgiving weekend.

Let's get this party started!!

November 04, 2020

Paid Book Blitz Results

THANK YOU: First, I want to thank everyone who commented on my post last month for IWSG Day in which I discussed using Tarot cards to help me through my depression. I wasn't able to venture around first as I usually do, so I appreciate that you visited my blog. :) So many of you shared that you use (or have used) Tarot cards, have deck(s) of your own, know someone who does readings, or expressed your interest in having a reading done. That meant a lot to me. I was skeptical about posting that (because I know it's not for everyone), so thank you so much for sharing that with me!

Book Blitz Results

Last month, I had a Book Blitz run from October 4-10 for the release of Frozen Crimes. I paid for the service through Xpresso Book Tours, which was my first time ever paying for such a service. I usually orchestrate my own blog tours/blasts, etc., but I wanted to see what a paid service could do. I went with Xpresso Book Tours because the fees were in my budget, I liked the details about the service, and their credentials were great.

October 26, 2020

October 19, 2020

Mistletoe, Mobsters, and Mozzarella by Peggy Jaegar / Scene Spotlight


Please help me to welcome Peggy Jaegar to Write with Fey. She's sharing a holiday romantic comedy with us. And with a title like Mistletoe, Mobsters, and Mozzarella, what more could you want? 

Genre: Holiday Romantic Comedy
Release Date: 10.14.2020


Finding a body in the freezer of the family deli isn’t the way Madonna San Valentino planned to start her day.


October 12, 2020

Writing About Pregnancy and Intimacy in FROZEN CRIMES + Giveaway + Free Ebook


So, I don’t have any children, and I’ve never been pregnant. What I knew about pregnancy and labor before writing Frozen Crimes, I knew from my sister, who’d had two boys, and a friend who had three boys. Throughout Frozen Crimes, Beth is pregnant, and I found myself having to Google quite a bit so I’d have even the smallest details right.

I researched:

-      Maternity jeans

-      Maternity underwear and bras

-      Best intimate positions for pregnant women

-      Labor (stages)

-      Contractions (stages)

October 07, 2020

How Tarot Cards Helped with my Depression + FREE EBOOK + GIVEAWAY

This is a deleted chapter from Keep Writing with Fey: Sparks to Defeat Writer's Block, Depression, and Burnout. It was the only chapter I could not keep, so I wanted to share it here. 😄

NOTE: Now, although I discuss this in the deleted excerpt below, let me start by saying tarot cards are NOT evil. They do not conjure evil spirits. They do not harbor evil spirits. They do not cause bad things to happen. Whatever negative notions you have toward tarot cards, influenced by Hollywood and falsehoods, push them aside and proceed with an open mind. Any comments saying tarot cards are evil will be deleted. Thank you!

(Formally Spark Nineteen) - Tarot Cards

During this time of my life (my first case of depression), I was very intuitive and got into doing tarot readings. Before you cringe, let me say that tarot cards are not evil. You do not communicate with evil or channel evil through the cards. Tarot cards are a harmless tool used to predict the future, but, more importantly, are for guidance. They are perfect for creating the future you envision. With tarot cards you access what’s inside you, a higher wisdom and a universal truth, so you can make positive changes in your life to achieve your dreams and meet your goals. 

September 30, 2020

Whom Would You Want To Be Stuck with During a Blizzard? / Frozen Crimes Blog Hop + GIVEAWAY + FREE EBOOK


Frozen Crimes Blog Hop Prompt: Whom would you want to be stuck with during a blizzard, and what would you do?

My Answer: It would be a cliché to say I'd pick my own characters. No, not Beth and Donovan. Are you crazy? I don't want to go through what they go through in Frozen Crimes. Nuh-uh. Nope. 

September 28, 2020

Newfoundland Tsunami of 1929 / Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space by C.D. Gallant-King / Guest Post


Help me to welcome C.D. Gallant-King to my blog. He has an article perfect for this space.

I was trying to come up with an interesting topic for a guest article on Chrys Fey’s blog, and since Chrys is the author of the Disaster Crimes series, I figured a perfect choice would be the Newfoundland Tsunami of 1929. I’m a sucker for Canadian history (for lots of weird and quirky Canadian history, be sure to check out my Facebook page), and since the tsunami figures prominently in my new book PSYCHO HOSE BEAST FROM OUTER SPACE, everything coalesced nicely.

September 21, 2020

Dialogue Advice / VLOG + 2 Picture Book Giveaway!

Thank you for coming to a vlog edition of Write with Fey!

This is a PowerPoint presentation with audio that focuses on dialogue. Do you need help creating realistic dialogue for your characters? What about dialogue tags and grammar? Check out this video for advice.


Dialogue Advice

Length: 15:25

September 14, 2020

Mayan Folklore / Guest Post / Bubba and Squirt's Mayan Adventure by Sherry Ellis

Join me today for author Sherry Ellis’ MC Book Tour for her latest release, BUBBA AND SQUIRT’S MAYAN ADVENTURE. 

This is a delightful juvenile fiction story that readers of all ages will enjoy. I had the pleasure of editing this story for DLP and highly recommend it for all kids, parents/guardians, grandparents, and teachers.

◊ Genre: Juvenile Fiction
◊ Publisher: Dancing Lemur Press
Release Date: Sept. 7, 2020
◊ Print & eBooks
◊ Paperback: 96 pages
◊ ISBN-10: 1939844703
◊ ISBN-13: 978-1939844705

September 02, 2020

Writers. Should. NOT. Tell. Other. Writers. What. Tense. Or. POV. To. Use. It's. NOT. Your. Choice.

Before I get into my post, I have another book release coming up fast. FROZEN CRIMES is coming out this month on the 30th! And I'll be doing another blog hop. :D

(I know, I know. I just asked for sign-ups for the Keep Writing with Fey blog hop. I hope everyone enjoyed that one and will want to have even more fun with this one. I won't be doing book blasts, just this blog hop and 10 guest posts.)

PRE-ORDER LINKS: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes

August 24, 2020

QUIZ: Are you a Light Influencer or a Dark Influencer?/ Influenced by Patricia Josephine / Guest Post

Please help me to welcome Patricia Josephine for the release of her new collection, featuring THREE intertwined short stories: Influence of Love, Balance of Love, and Revelation of Love. I had the honor of working on two of these stories and enjoyed them immensely. The characters are great. (Patricia creates such fun characters that linger with me long after I've read her stories.) And I love concept. I can't help but wonder if the angel and devil on my shoulders are getting it on. *wink*

August 17, 2020

Against All Odds / Why I Write Historical Fiction / Jacqui Murray (Guest Post)

Xhosa’s extraordinary prehistoric saga concludes, filled with hardship, courage, survival, and family.

Why I Write Historical Fiction

By Jacqui Murray


August 05, 2020

Don't Make Light of Another Writer's Plight / Keep Writing with Fey BLOG HOP

Today is blog hop day for Keep Writing with Fey: Sparks to Defeat Writer's Block, Depression, and Burnout.

Participants are sharing their stories about writer's block, depression, and/or burnout and how they overcame it or what they are currently doing to heal.

Visit them here:

Don't Make Light of Another Writer's Plight

Since I talk about my struggles and the things I have done that helped me with writer’s block, depression, and burnout in Keep Writing with Fey, I am going to do something a little different for this post.


There are people who will say that writer’s block isn’t real. I disagree. (Obviously.) I’m not going to try to change anyone’s mind if they believe there’s no such thing as writer’s block, as I hope they will allow me my opinion, but I do want to address something.

Whenever someone says that writer’s block doesn’t exist or is a myth, they usually follow that up with something like “you just have to put your butt in the seat and write.” Or they will even claim that you’re just not writing because you don’t want it badly enough.

That is pretty damaging to hear when you're the writer struggling.

July 27, 2020

What Should You Know About the Writing Life? / Vlog

Thank you for coming to a vlog edition of Write with Fey!

In this video, I discuss what you should know about the writing life.


What Should You Know About the Writing Life?

Length: 5:15

July 14, 2020

Write a Letter to Your Fear / Except from Keep Writing with Fey

Below is an except from Keep Writing with Fey: Sparks to Defeat Writer's Block, Depression, and Burnout, which is AVAILABLE TODAY!

Catch the sparks you need to conquer writer’s block, depression, and burnout!
When Chrys Fey shared her story about depression and burnout, it struck a chord with other writers. That put into perspective for her how desperate writers are to hear they aren’t alone. Many creative types experience these challenges, battling to recover. Let Keep Writing with Fey: Sparks to Defeat Writer's Block, Depression, and Burnout guide you through:
· Writer's block
· Depression
· Writer's burnout
· What a writer doesn’t need to succeed
· Finding creativity boosts
With these sparks, you can begin your journey of rediscovering your creativity and get back to what you love - writing.
Amazon / Nook / iTunes / Kobo

July 01, 2020

Keep Writing with Fey is COMING!

Keep Writing with Fey will release on July 14th! 

I have two opportunities for you if you'd like to help with my release.

1. Blog Hop

Share your story about writer's block, depression, and/or burnout and how you overcame it or what you are currently doing to heal.

Blog Hop Day: August 5th IWSG Day (I thought this would make it easier for participants of both hops.) NOTE: I will send you all the information about my book for the post 2 weeks before.

Sign up for the BLOG HOP here:

2. Book Blasts

If you can host me on your blog or post to Facebook, fill out the below Google form. The book blast will consist of the blurb, cover art, links, my bio, and author photo. No excerpt.

Sign up for a BOOK BLAST here:
Scroll down, fill in info, and click "submit."


June 15, 2020

Bad Things Must Happen / Vlog + LOST HELIX by Scott Coon

Thank you for coming to a vlog edition of Write with Fey!

In this video, I talk about how bad things must happen to our characters.


Bad Things Must Happen

Length: 3:44

June 03, 2020

Meet the Flutters from BAD FAIRY by Elaine Kaye



Title: Bad Fairy
Series: A Bad Fairy Adventure (Book One)
Author: Elaine Kaye
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Fantasy Middle Grade
Length: 66 pages
Age Range: 8-12

BLURB: Thistle Greenbud is not a bad fairy. She simply doesn't like rules, and it's just her luck that her homework is to create a new rule for the fairy handbook. But first, she has more important things to do. Like figure out how to get back at Dusty and Moss for playing tricks on her.

Before she can carry out her plan, though, disaster strikes and she finds herself working alongside the very fairies she wanted revenge on. Can they work together and trust each other, or will things go from bad to worse?


May 18, 2020

Why Did I Write a Prequel to 30 Seconds? / Vlog

Thank you for coming to a vlog edition of Write with Fey!

In the first video, I reveal why I wrote a prequel for 30 Seconds.

In the second video, I give a reading of 30 Seconds Before.


Why Did I Write a Prequel to 30 Seconds?

Length: 5:09

May 06, 2020

NOT INADEQUATE / A Post about Self-Defense and Abuse

Can you help share the details about my mom's debut middle grade book Bad Fairy on your blog or Facebook? The post won't include an article but rather be a book blast consisting of the cover, blurb, links, excerpt, my mom's bio, and a giveaway. Dates June 3 - June 30.

***This is long. Feel free to skip the excerpts.***

Someone once said that Beth Kennedy (in Hurricane Crimes) wasn’t a very adequate self-defense instructor and all because Donovan had bested her a couple of times.

(Don’t worry…this is not me attacking a reviewer but discussing my characters and real abuse/sexual assault.)

Let me make it clear that Donovan was never trying to hurt Beth. In fact, she was the one attempting to hurt him. When I wrote Donovan, I wanted him to be a good match for Beth in every way. And, for the sake of the story, I couldn’t let Beth get away. It was intentional, not a failing on her part.

April 24, 2020

Murder, Just Because by Yolanda Renee

It’s a pleasure to be participating in author Yolanda Renee’s MURDER, JUST BECAUSE Blog Tour through MC Book Tours today.

Yolanda is offering an awesome tour-wide international giveaway. More information on the giveaway is listed below.

April 13, 2020

5 Secrets about 30 Seconds / Vlog

Thank you for coming to a vlog edition of Write with Fey!

In the first video, I share 5 secrets from 30 Seconds.

In the second video, I give a reading of 30 Seconds.


5 Secrets about 30 Seconds

Length: 7:57

April 01, 2020

COVID-19 and Authors

I came across a post talking how people were saying this is not the time to promote books (unless they're free). The creator of the post said authors had apparently received direct messages telling them they shouldn't be promoting a product right now.

This is so wrong.

While it's true that sales may tank because people aren't buying as many books right now due to money concerns or stress, authors need to keep promoting. Promoting our books during this time doesn't mean we're being insensitive. Rather, we're doing what we have to do for our careers, our sanity, our happiness. It is more important now than ever to keep doing normal tasks.

Social media feeds are full of posts about the virus, shelter-in-place orders, worries, lay-offs, bare store shelves, and politics. We need to see bright colors and pretty covers in our feeds. We need to share excerpts/quotes that make readers laugh or swoon. When readers see book promotions, they are relieved,'s a bit of normalcy in this stressful time, and reading is an escape for them.

And for people to say that only free eBooks are the ones that should be promoted right now is short-sighted and unrealistic.

A lot goes into planning a book's release. Authors can't just postpone the releases of their new books. They may lose money or their publisher may not allow it, and no one knows when this situation will end. Many authors rely on publishing for income, which is likely not great to begin with, and to have to delay releases for months could hurt them. (If authors are able to delay their releases with ease, they're lucky but...still stressed and worried.)

Also, authors can't give away all of their books for free. It's wrong to claim that authors should be providing free products or nothing at all during a time when everyone is suffering. Even them.

Authors are doing what they can. They are providing happy places and worlds readers can escape to. They are offering 99 cent sales or marking their eBooks as free for a limited time.

No one should be telling authors 99 cents sales aren't enough.

Or we're capitalizing on the pandemic when we offer 99 cents sales. (Traditionally published authors can't mark their eBooks as free as easily as others can.)

Or that all of our books should be free.

Or we shouldn't promote our books, unless they're free.

Or we can't celebrate our new releases and post about them.

NO ONE should be ridiculing authors during this difficult time when we're suffering, as well, and trying to do what we can for readers and for ourselves.

Don't forget... we're small businesses being impacted now, too.

1) If you want to promote during this time, do it! But treat it like a normal promotion, not related to what's happening in the world. (I do caution against promoting just because people are stuck at home.) If you have a new release, shout it from the rooftops and don't stop.
2) If you want to mark your eBooks as free (or 99 cents) to help others out during this time, definitely say so. That's wonderful and will be appreciated by many readers.

I marked all of my mom's picture books to free for this reason. With all the kids not in school, Sammy the Teddy Bear wanted to make sure parents and children would have stories to read.

TIP: To get Amazon to mark your eBooks to $0.00, you first have to mark them as free elsewhere. Doing this through Smashwords (if you're there) is super easy. When you do this, other retailers are notified. Within hours your price is dropped. The best way for authors to get Amazon to drop a price to free is through this KDP link. Click on the "pricing" and then "price matching" options and follow their directions to send them an email. I never have a problem doing this for my mom's eBooks.

SIDE NOTE: Right now, I’m not offering 99 cents sales on my series because, after seeing a post by another author, I wondered if people would want to read about natural disasters during a pandemic. Would it be too much?? As it is, I don’t promote during real natural disasters. I especially avoid promoting the book in which the disaster appears in. As you can imagine, this is tough, and not something I anticipated before I started this series, so while this situation is new for most authors, this is something I deal with several times a year.

Until next time...

Stay healthy, everyone!

March 16, 2020

Do I Need a Website / Vlog + Gabe's Guardian by Beverly Stowe McClure

Thank you for coming to a vlog edition of Write with Fey!

In this video, I discuss an important question that many writers ask "Do I need a website?"

This is a video from 2017, but still worth watching. :)


Do I Need a Website?

Length: 7:46

March 04, 2020

Dear Author with No Reviews

Dear Author with No Reviews,

Last year, I saw several authors complain about not being able to get reviews for their books, no matter what they did. They panicked because reviews = sales. The thing is, it is hard to get reviews, and it’s even harder now than it was, say, five years ago.

Reviews are very important to authors. It's true. That's why you may see posts from authors on social media encouraging readers to post reviews. (These types of posts are gentle reminders. They're not trying to be rude or selfish.)

With self-publishing growing every year, with small publishers signing dozens of authors a year, and with many authors publishing several books a year, no wonder it’s hard to get reviews, because all of these authors are looking for reviews, too.

February 28, 2020

About Us by Elizabeth Seckman / Free eBook!

Elizabeth Seckman has a new eBook and it's FREE!


Hayden Matthews isn’t looking for love—she’s trying to get as far from it as possible. She's already wasted eight years in a failed marriage and is ready for a good life. A peaceful life. One where she can raise her daughter to be strong, independent, and happy. But to make that happen, she must fix her own life first.

February 17, 2020

Real-Life Memories in Flaming Crimes / Vlog

Welcome to a FLAMING edition of my vlog here on Write with Fey!

In the first video, I share the fiery memories from my childhood, which I added to Flaming Crimes.

In the second video, I talk about my first experience with fire.

In the second video, I read an excerpt.


Real-Life Memories in Flaming Crimes

Length: 12:59

February 05, 2020

Dear “I’m Still a Nobody” Author

Dear “I’m Still a Nobody” Author,

Boy, do I know how that feels. I have said these words many times. “I’m still a nobody!” I bet nearly every author has said that at least once. That phrase, that criticism, that expectation, that wish would lead me down the dark tunnel of depression again and again. But once I looked past myself, I realized that I’m in an ark full of authors who feel the same way, authors who are literally in the same boat as me.

Do you know the average number of books that are self-published each year?

There was a record number of over 1 Million books self-published in 2017, according to Bowker.

What about the number of new books published each year?

According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2.2 Million new titles are published worldwide each year, and that data is from 2013!

January 20, 2020

A Man Like Donovan / Vlog

Thank you for stopping by for this vlog post on Write with Fey!

A reader of the Disaster Crimes series (Toi) asked me if there is or ever was a man like Donovan in my life. Here's my answer. ;)

A Man Like Donovan

Length: 3:47

January 08, 2020

Every Author's Path Is Their Own

I wish my January post was cheerier, but I have some stuff I need to purge. Therefore, this is long. What can I say? I’m a wordy blogger.

Social media is TOXIC. (Raise your hand if you agree.)

I’m not going to reiterate about what’s been going on with Romance Writers of America or comment on the authors involved or the shit-storm that followed. What I will say is that I’m glad I never had the money to join RWA (I always wanted to because wasn’t it what all romance authors did?), never had the money to enter their RITA competition (and I had really wanted to enter Tsunami Crimes for years), and never had the money to join a chapter (because I’d found a local one). Yup, I am glad!

On to another topic…

Recently, in our own FB group for IWSG, I saw a post about the daunting statistics of signing with an agent, and the comments took off to say things like “trad querying is a waste of time” and how you realize what a “bullshit racket it is and self-publish.”

Comments like this bother me, but I never respond because social media drama gives me anxiety. (I’m even nervous about this blog post.)