February 07, 2018

Submission Process Anxiety + Souper Blog Hop

Submitting a query letter can bring a lot of anxiety. Submitting a partial or full manuscript can be down-right scary. Let’s take the fear and worry out of the submission process. Take the stress out of it, for one. Writers rarely get an acceptance with their first submission.

Put the fun into the submission process, instead. You may have to convince yourself that you’re doing it for fun, and that the outcome won’t matter to you. (Even if it does later.) I did this for a project that I did write for fun, which is another thing you may have to do…when you write, think of writing as something you’re doing for yourself, for fun, not for publication. That will definitely make writing easier.

Then when you submit to an agent/editor/publisher, treat yourself. Dogs get treats for performing tricks, so why not people?

You’ve been a good little writer. Yes, you have. You submitted a query. Here’s a treat for my good little writer. *tosses a cookie*

Treat yourself to a piece of chocolate. But don’t cheat and submit to ten agents in one hour to get ten treats. No, that counts as one chocolate. Well, maybe one chocolate bar. We’re not trying to be gluttons, here. We’re trying to show ourselves that we are proud, happy. And we should be!

You can treat yourself to a day out. Visit a public garden, go on a nature walk, take an archery lesson. Do something to take the edge off the big step you took.

Remember, make the writing and submission process fun. Rewire your brain and treat yourself.

The next Spark post for IWSG will be about rejections.

QUESTION: How do you deal with the submission process? 


No, this is not a blog hop for me. It's a blog hop for my mom. I'm just hosting it. :) My mom is publishing a children's book that means a lot to her, and she could use your help to get the word out, which is why I've created this fun blog hop.

So...Now my insecurity is I won't get any sign-ups for this. Eek!


Prompt: Share your favorite soup recipe.
Tell us about a soup you love. Even if your favorite soup is from a can, that works! Take a picture of it (the can or the soup in a bowl) for your post. Easy peasy.

When: February 26th
Where: Your Blog

**Every post will have the blurb, cover art, and links to Pea Soup Disaster.**
**I'll email participants the info a week before the hop begins.**

Sign Up:


  1. You cracked me up with your comment about tossing a treat to the good little writer :-)

    There's so much self-rejection I heap on myself in terms of my writing, I'm not sure I could cope with all the rejection that comes with the querying process.

    1. I'm glad I could make you laugh.

      Rejection is always tough, especially when it's on top of whatever rejection/criticism we already put on ourselves.

  2. I haven't submitted anything in so long I may have forgotten how to do it! But I love the idea of throwing myself a treat. :)

  3. I definitely don't treat the submission process as fun. I wish I did, though! But, sadly, I'm in it to win it. I've had plenty of requests for fulls and partials the past few years. But, sadly, not all agents are created equal. Some string you along with promises they fail to keep. Others misplace your mss, fail to get back with you in a timely manner. I could write a mega blog post on this. In fact, I'm still waiting on several agents at the moment and I'm about to give up hope.

    1. The initial moment of submitting could be looked at as fun if you rewire your thinking. What happens after you submit is another story...and another blog post. ;)

  4. Writers need to view the submission process as more than just validation.

    I do love soup, especially split pea soup.

    1. Writers rarely get validation during the submission process, even if a full or partial is requested. It's only that one time when you get a contract when a writer is validated.

  5. Hi Chrys, I like the idea of tossing a treat to myself after every submission ;)

  6. I always say I'm going to reward myself or treat myself after I do something difficult yet I rarely do. Must get on that. :)

  7. "Then when you submit to an agent/editor/publisher, treat yourself. Dogs get treats for performing tricks, so why not people? You’ve been a good little writer. Yes, you have. You submitted a query. Here’s a treat for my good little writer. *tosses a cookie*" LOL. I'm definitely going to try that again.

    1. Yes! Treat yourself for taking the plunge. What happens after isn't a thought yet. :)

  8. I don't recall anything special I did back when I was querying. Though when I was still in Albany, and before our only APP-certified piercer moved out of state, I got piercings to mark reaching certain writing milestones, like finishing a book or getting to the first 50K during NaNo.

    1. A piercing is definitely a more permanent treat. lol

  9. Treat myself with a night on the couch just enjoying a movie! Wait, I probably do that too much already.

    1. Hmm...maybe. Maybe for you a different treat is in order. :)

  10. How funny that your post is similar to mine as far as the topic goes. I never imagined I would ever attempt the query process, but here I am with a project that I did write for fun (and for ladies in my CP group) so I figured why not use it as a tester for that whole process. It'll be a learning experience if nothing else.

    1. Great minds think alike. :) I hope you enjoy the querying process!

  11. I enjoyed your most interesting post Chrys, As I only write poetry I guess there is more to writing stories and novels that meets the eye.


    1. Novel writing and writing poetry are different, and for different reasons would could be considered more challenging. There's more than meets the eye for novel writing as well as writing poetry. ;)

  12. Hmmm, chocolate... Sorry, what was that you said about making sure we eat all the chocolate?

  13. I think I'll skip the submission process and just eat the chocolate. ;)


    1. As an indie publisher/author, you have that right. ;)

  14. As I'm anticipating a more active than average year, with treats in mind, I'll be wearing bigger knickers by Christmas! Walking gets easier every day, so I think I'll stick to that ;-) Thanks for the motivation!

    1. Walking will be a great balance, which can also free your mind for new ideas. :)

  15. I totally agree with you that we need to reward ourselves. And while I do it with cookies and chocolate, a day out is also wonderful. I make a whole batch of cookies every time I finish writing a book. :)

    1. Celebrating finishing a book is definitely a must.

  16. I always reward myself when I finish a manuscript. Usually with a visit to the bookstore. Better than chocolate. Best wishes for your mom's book.

  17. Writing for fun definitely yields better work than writing for...not fun. But chocolate--can't save that for a reward.

    1. Certainly. I been realizing that more and more lately. Probably why I'm writing more in a secret project and not writing at all in the last book of my series.

  18. Working on getting myself to that point but I admit to have some anxiety about it even as I think about it. Congratulations to your mom. Great post.

    1. I understand. I still get anxious when I submit, but doing your best to make it fun helps a lot.

      Thank you, Juneta! And thanks for signing up for the blog hop. :)

  19. This is great advice, Chrys. The submission process can be scary, frustrating and an emotional roller coaster! Little rewards keep us going.

    1. Little rewards can make all the difference. :)

  20. I'm definitely writing my story to have fun. I hope other people will like it when I finish, but the fun part is what keeps me going.

    Thanks for the cookies.

  21. I haven't submitted anything anywhere in so very long, but back when I actually did things like that, I had a slightly different system. If I didn't hit my submission goal, my friend was instructed to confiscate something—i.e., my Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs—until I had followed through. Worked every time. :)

  22. This is great information. It's been a long time for me since I've done the whole submission thing. It wasn't a pleasant experience to say the least but with everything there is a learning process.

    I'm tweeting about your Mom's hop to help.

    1. There is for sure a learning process. Submitting will never be easy, but we can make it easier. At least for a short while.

      Thank you so much for tweeting about the hop. :)

  23. I know just which recipe I'll be sharing for my post!
    It's a great idea to treat yourself for submitting - I maybe need to implement this for actually getting some writing done!

    1. Awesome! I can't wait. I can always use some new soup recipes. :) Thank you for signing up!

      Oh yes. Treat yourself whenever you reach a certain word count for the day, etc. It's a great motivator.

  24. The idea of submitting query letters terrifies me, and if all goes according to plan, I'll be doing just that by the time 2018 is finished. I'm trying not to get ahead of myself, though. I need to get the book done first.

    This blog hop sounds fun! Count me in!

    1. I wish you all the best with your querying. It can be scary...and exciting. We can make it a stepping stone to our ultimate goal, and every time we reach a new stepping stone, (with each new submission) we should be rewarded in some way.

      Yay! Thank you!

  25. I think I deserve a cookie or two!!! Great idea! Thank you Chrys.

  26. It's been a while since I rode the query-submission merry-go-round. I never minded writing queries, and it didn't kill me TOOOOO badly to receive a rejection. What I hated was writing synopses. That alone is enough to make the indie route more appealing. :)

    Your mom's blog hop is on a Monday. If I could do a post for it either on the previous or following Friday, I'd be in. (Spinach soup!) Let me know. Also, have you considered sending your mother's book to bloggers who specialize in reviewing books for children? I don't know who they may be, but I bet they're around...

    1. Oh yes. Synopses are awful. I love to write query letters because I look at the section about the book as the blurb. But a synopsis? No thanks.

      You can definitely post early. I can change your link to the perma one once it goes live, so come Monday, people can hop to it.

      I'm having trouble finding children's book reviews...

    2. Okay. Sounds good. I'll send the link to you tomorrow. If I come up with anything for children's book reviewers, I'll send that to you, too.

    3. Sounds good. Whenever I do a hop, I update all the links for the actual posts for anyone hopping around later.

      Any reviewers, even just one, would be much appreciated. Thanks!

  27. I would love to come help out with the hop, but I'm not going to be online much, and definitely not enough to do more than tweet. =( Still, I hope it's an amazing hop and that she finds much success. Meanwhile I'll be neck deep in home schooling...and hosting. Did I mention I'm going to have 8 family members staying in my home that week? Whew! I'll be glad when it's March.

    1. I understand, Crystal. Home schooling and your kids take priority. :) But wow. 8 family members. Your house will be packed and chaotic. lol

  28. Great advice, Chrys. I just expect to be rejected and get another list organized for the next round. Cookies would be better.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. I used to be like that...expect rejection. It’s not healthy to do that, though. We need to have more faith in ourselves and our books.

  29. Love your advice to "treat ourselves", Chrys! I'll have to try that to help with the stress. I think we all probably put too much pressure on ourselves, but it is what it is. It's how we handle it that counts.

    1. We really do put too much pressure on ourselves. Treating ourselves would certainly help with that.

  30. If I have a computer back soon, I'll sign up. Way too hard as is right now!
    We do put tons of pressure on ourselves - I love the treat idea!

    1. I understand, Jemi. I’ll be doing another in May for her next children’s book, so there’s that. :)

  31. I don't submit anymore, but when I did I always rewarded myself. Chocolate or dinner out. The important aspect of submitting is to send your best work. Love what you're doing to help your mom. I signed up for the hop.

    1. Thank you so much for signing up!

      You’re right. You need to submit your best work, but sometimes a work can get better (even when you already thought it was your best) after you submit it, if you revise later. That happens to me. :)

  32. I usually relax when i finish. No one has tossed me a cookie though, geez lol

  33. Ooh, I like that idea to give ourselves a treat for completing the task. I might have to start dishing those out for meeting writing goals, too.

    I can't do the bloghop but I've set up a reminder to myself on the 26th to comeback and share others' posts. :)

    1. Yes, give yourself treats for everything!

      Thank you! That would be awesome if you shared the posts. :)

  34. Wow, awesome idea! Giving ourselves a treat sounds great!

  35. Good luck to your mom, Chrys! I signed up for the Twitter and Facebook Thunderclap.

  36. Well, since Valentine's Day is right around the corner, a few more chocolates can't hurt right? :) What a fun-filled post today! I loved it. Although, it's still so scary. I admire those with more courage than I.

    Have a beachy week!

  37. That's a good idea. It's always a good idea to make things fun.

  38. The Blog Hop sounds like fun for a great story.

  39. Hi Chrys. So I landed on your home page. Is that new? Like the idea of your publishing a book of writing tips. You have many good ones to share!

    1. Not sure what you mean. My “home” page is supposed to show my most resent blog post. Unless you went to my website...


  40. Hi Chrys, growing up we had a 45-pound compound bow and three stacks of hay with a target on it in the basement. The entire family of six became very good at hitting that bulls eye. We moved it to the outdoors and could hit the target from quite a long distance.

    1. That sounds neat. I want to get a bow and a bale of hay will probably be my target.

  41. i like the treat reward for getting through tough authorly tasks - we need them for finishing a draft, writing a query letter, breaking through a block, and more! writing a book is hard work!
    thanks for the encouragement!

    Tara Tyler Talks

    1. Oh yes! Treats for everyone and everything! :)

  42. Not sure that submitting my debut novel to a publisher when I got the rights back earns me a chunk of chocolate - it earned a rejection. Plus I then self-published the second edition.

    Maybe next time I will raid the candy store.

    For now, I've signed up for the Souper event as I immediately knew what soup was calling my name...

    1. Submitting your debut after that takes more courage, so you definitely deserve a reward. Even if you decide to self-publish it.

      Yay! Thanks for signing up!

  43. I'd be rolling in chocolate if I ate some every time I submitted/queried, but I do reward myself when I get a story acceptance with a Funko Pop! A friend of mine gets a new t-shirt every time she finishes a novel. I get a milkshake when I finish a novel. Hm, maybe I should have a cookie when I finish a short story.

    1. The reward doesn’t have to be food related. It’s all about changing your mind set. Even a physical pat on the back works.

  44. It would take a LOT of treats and pet speak to talk myself into thinking submitting queries is fun, lol. Well, its probably funner than writing queries.

    1. The entire process isn’t fun, but we can try to train our brains for the initial act of submitting. “It’s fun. I’m brave. And the outcome will be okay even if I’m rejected.” It’s like a mantra. :)

  45. That is great advice :) I had fun with my 2016 IWSG anthology submission. I may not have made it, but I did reward myself by taking the rest of that year off from writing, lol. I may have overindulged in laziness ;)

    1. Taking the rest of the year off from writing is an interesting treat for a writer. lol But sometimes we do need those breaks.

  46. I do try and make the submission process fun, but it isn't always. I need to start rewarding myself more :)

    1. No, not always essy. Telling ourselves it’s fun and we’re brave the moment we submit can take some of the edge off. At least for a little bit.

  47. Sounds like a great blog hop. I'd be happy to join in as I make my own soup and I have a favorite canned soup.

    For this round of submissions, I thought I would submit 5 to 6 queries a week and then work on my new novel to break up the stress. It's been hard switching gears between the two tasks though.

    1. Thank you for signing up!!!

      Switching your brain between these two tasks can be tough. Maybe dedicate one or two days to submitting and the others to writing will help.

  48. It's all about submitting in order to have stories published. I wish everyone much success in 2018. I'm always nervous when I submit. I keep thinking I only get one chance at this publication wanting the story. I just have to breathe and hit send.

    1. It’s a very important step, especially if your aim is to traditionally self-publish.

      Yes, breathe and hit “send.” If they don’t want it, there are others. :)

  49. I seem to find far too many excuses not to sit down and do the submissions. I need the cookie dangled out in front of me!

    The blog-hop looks fun, and moms deserve support, so I'm in!

    1. Tell yourself you’ll get some kind of treat at the end of the day, as long as you submit. ;)

      Thank you so much for joining!

  50. I like the idea of treating myself when I submit. Even if the story is not accepted, I finished it, polished it, gathered my courage to send it out. Yeah, I deserve a treat. Chocolate it is!

    1. See? Those are all reasons to reward ourselves. We do deserve it!

  51. Treating yourself is a wonderful idea! Congratulations to your mom! Thanks for your kind words on my blog, Chrys!


    1. Thanks, Julie! And you’re very welcome. Hugs!

  52. "Dogs get treats for performing tricks, so why not people?"
    That had me laughing!!
    But it's not a bad approach. The fun angle makes so much sense.
    Happy Writing, Chrys!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Glad you laughed, Michelle.

      Happy writing to you!

  53. *tosses a cookie*! LOL! I think I eat too many cookies! LOL!

    1. LOL! You could always replay a cookie with something else...perhaps something art related. :)

  54. I haven't done too much submitting but I imagine it would be a nerve wracking process.

    I love treating myself to chocolate.

    1. It sure is!

      Chocolate is one of my favorite treats with coffee in the evening when I need to unwind. :)

  55. Great idea about treats. We all need one when we've taken a big step. I think of submitting as a process and try not to think about the outcome, only the process of getting it done. Good luck to you mom! How lucky she is to have you!

    1. That’s a great mindset. I also look at it as something that needs to get done. And when I complete my submitting for the day, when I need to send out more, I feel very accomplished during that moment.

      Thank you, Lisa!

  56. I just wandered over for a read. I didn't realize you had written so many books. I think I will purchase one. Which one would you recommend?

    1. Hi Truedessa! If you haven’t read Hurricane Crimes I recommend that one. It’s a novella under 50 pages, a romantic-suspense, and the first story of my Disaster Crimes series. :)

  57. All the best with the bloghop. I signed up via Twitter!

  58. Great advice, Chrys! I love this: "Then when you submit to an agent/editor/publisher, treat yourself. Dogs get treats for performing tricks, so why not people?"

    I had never thought of it that way and now I will be treating myself a little more often ;)
    Your mom's book look adorable!

    1. You should treat yourself for the hard work you do and the steps you take. You deserve it!

      Thank you!!

  59. This book sounds good. I like the sound of it. Yeah, I think we should reward ourselves.

  60. Good advice. When I write I try to think as if I'm writing in my diary/journal. For my eyes only. I write more freely and stress less about making it perfect.
    I'm always nervous when I query and submit my work, so try to put it out of my mind and concentrate on something else. Definitely will treat myself too afterwards from now on.

    1. That’s a wonderful strategy. Getting our minds in the right frame is essential. I’ve found that I struggle now if I think about publishing a WIP, when before it motivated me. Probably because I know how hard it is. lol

  61. Querying my work is not a fun process. I like the idea of tricking myself into making a game of it. Great post! I look forward to participating in your mom's blog hop. Congrats to her on her book. I'm thinking of a Warhol theme for my post. Haha. -Cheers!

    1. That's what we gotta do, right? Trick ourselves. And it helps. Even if just for the moment...before you get responses. lol

      Thank you!

      Hmm...Warhol theme...Campbell's soup...tomato soup? ;)

  62. Querying for fun? I can try, I suppose ...

  63. I lost interest in submitting for novel publication once I went indie, but I'm still open to submitting for short fiction. It's gruling, but in those moments when you receive feedback it's not so bad. I think I may start submitting again.
    Pea Soup Disaster sounds really cute. I look forward to the hop.

    1. I hope you do start submitting your short fiction again. :)

      Thank you so much for signing up for the Souper Blog Hop!

  64. Maybe the blogiverse is trying to tell you something. ;)

    I'm pretty good with queries. They actually help me to write the blurbs for my books. But a synopsis? No thank you! I dread those.
