September 26, 2023

Tish McGinnis, Medical Examiner / Character Interview

Today I'm bringing you a character interview with Tish McGinnis, a medical examiner, from Witch of Death, my short paranormal suspense eBook available for 99 cents. This was a post for my blog tour years ago that is no longer on the other blogger's site (and which I had linked to on my website...bummer), so I am sharing it here on my own blog.

Name: Tish McGinnis

Place of Employment: New Orleans Police Department

Occupation: Medical Examiner 

Actress: Meg Ryan

Chrys: Hi, Tish! Thanks for meeting me in the cafeteria. *looks at a box in Tish’s hands* What’s that?

Tish: Muffins. I brought them for you.

Chrys: Oh, that’s so sweet. Thanks! Are you ready for a quick interview?

Tish: I’m always ready.

September 19, 2023

Meet Libby, the Witch + Witches - True or False


There are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation out there about witches, so let’s debunk them and get some facts straight, shall we?

This was a post for my blog tour years ago that is no longer on the other blogger's site (which I had linked to on my website...bummer), so I am sharing it here on my own blog.

1. Witches fly on broomsticks at night.

False. Witches use brooms to cleanse sacred spaces and sweep away negative energy.

2. The pentagram is the sign of evil.

False. The pentagram represents the earth element and the feminine force.

3. Practical Magic isn’t just the name of a book/movie, but a type of magic.

True. Practical magick is the use of magic for practical means, such as for healing and medicinal use through herbs, tea, soap, candles, and aroma therapy.

September 12, 2023

Simone Rose, Medical Examiner / Character Interview

Today I'm bringing you a character interview with Simone Rose, a medical examiner, from Ghost of Death, my short paranormal suspense eBook available for 99 cents. This was a post for my blog tour years ago that is no longer on the other blogger's site (and which I had linked to on my website...bummer), so I am sharing it here on my own blog.

Name: Simone Rose

Place of Employment: Aurora Police Department

Occupation: Medical Examiner

Actress: Amy Lee (who is really a singer from the band Evanescence.)

Chrys: Hey, Simone. Sorry for making you come into the lobby of the department, but I didn’t exactly want to be near any dead bodies.

Simone: No worries, Chrys. But you know, they don’t bite. 

Chrys: I figured that.

Simone: Although, they sometimes burp.

Chrys: *blinks* Really? Never mind. Are you ready to answer a few questions.

Simone: Absolutely. The DB’s will keep for a few minutes.

September 05, 2023

Write What Makes You Happy & Let Others Write What Makes Them Happy

Once, on social media, I read comments between two authors who mocked Hallmark Christmas movies, and they laughed over the idea of them writing stories like that. One writer responded, “Shoot me now.” The other asked a moral quandary question that went like this: “Would you write those cheesy stories if you knew you’d be able to support your family?” The one who asked added that she would because she’s a “sellout.”

That conversation, which I did not get involved in, stuck with me.

Dialogue like that, in public settings, can put other writers down. Someone who writes sweet romances with Hallmark-like vibes may have seen that and felt ridiculed for writing stories that make them happy, and also uplifts the spirits of so many people.

Writing “cheesy stories,” Hallmark-esque stories, sweet romances, romantic-comedies is NOT selling out. 

Nor is writing erotica, a genre that has become increasing popular over the years.

What we write is personal. It’s a decision.