Today I have Patsy Collins as a guest for the release of
her new book, FIRESTARTER. She’s dishing about her handsome hero and
fireman-attracted heroine. Let’s get started!
Hi, Patsy! Please tell us
about your current release.
Firestarter is a romantic comedy with a hot fireman and a
few flames!
Blurb - Alice has a fantasy. It starts with being rescued
by a hunky fireman, involves the kiss of life and ends in him not needing his
uniform. At the New Forest Show, Alice is offered an innocent version of her
dream. Reluctantly she turns down fireman Hamish's invitation.
Alice's blameless behaviour, boyfriend Tony's obsessive jealousy kicks in.
Hamish wants to take Tony's place, but a hoaxer ensures Alice already sees far
too much of Hampshire Fire Service. The threat of an explosive sprout surprise,
her mum's baking, sister Kate's mind boggling pep talks and the peculiar
behaviour of Alice's boss Miles provide distractions.
Alice really in danger? What is Kate up to? Can Hamish possibly be as perfect
as he seems? It takes Alice masses of wonderful food, disgusting wine, smelly
mud, red footed crows and steamy Welsh passion, but she finds the answers. And
rethinks her fantasy.
Patsy Collins
Date: 5th November 2015
1. How did you pick the title for your book?
At first, Firestarter was
just the working title to save the document but the more I wrote the more saw
how appropriate it was. There's the firemen aspect and the challenges they face,
there are passions which set hearts ablaze, a cosy fire in a cute Welsh cottage
(and the action heats up there too!) and ... there's stuff I can't mention for
fear of spoiling the plot!
2. Why did you choose the setting for
It's mostly set fairly close
to my home or in places we visit fairly often in our campervan. The van acts as
my mobile office and allows me to do a lot of my writing 'on location'. The
locations actually influenced the plot line in places - especially when it
comes to scenes featuring wildlife. (Some of the characters volunteer in a
wildlife sanctuary.)
3. I wish I had a mobile office! Did you do special research for Firestarter?
Yes, as well as learning a
lot about birds and seals I also had to research firemen - it's a tough job
being a writer! The local fire service were very helpful, as was my friend
Suzy Jones whose son is a fireman. She gave me useful insights into their
camaraderie and life off-duty.
I also had to eat vast
amounts of yummy food, particularly cakes.
4. Who doesn't like to eat cake? What would women find
irresistible about Hamish?
Not much ... unless they happen to like men
in uniform, or to be fond of broad shoulders and muscular thighs. I suppose his
sun-bleached blond curls could be considered attractive and his grey-green eyes
and cheeky grin definitely are. So is his sense of humour, loyalty to his
friends and caring nature. Oh and he's nice to animals, can cook and gives a
really thorough massage.
I may have developed the very slightest
Patsy in her campervan office. |
5. I think all female writers fall for their heroes. ;) What would we find in Alice's purse if we went snooping?
Chocolate, lipstick, mobile phone (cell
phone), cash, chocolate, keys, family photos and chocolate.
Are any of your characters based on real people?
I'm going to say 'no'. I think that would be
What is Alice's biggest weakness?
Firemen! She'd say that's not true, but the
poor girl is in denial. She's also very fond of chocolate, cake and clothes.
8. Firemen are mine too. :P Is Hamish a bad boy or a gentleman?
A gentleman - and a hero. Not that I'm biased
or anything.
9. Neither am I. Haha! What are a few things we would find in or on
your desk?
Dictionary, musket ball,
glass goat, model Scotty dog, scrap paper, notebooks, pens, cup of tea, cake.
10. Your advice to new writers.
Write what interests you.
Create stories you'd like to read yourself, about characters you want to spend
time with. It takes a long time to write a book and you want to enjoy the
Patsy Collins lives and writes on the south coast of
England. She's the author of hundreds of published short stories and four
novels. When she's not writing she likes gardening, photography and cake
eating. She shares her home with her husband and head with her characters.
Thank you for hanging with me, Patsy! I enjoyed getting
to know your fireman. ;)
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