April 23, 2024

T - Tauren Wells "Joy in the Morning"


Theme: Grief Work and Healing Journey

I've listened to the Christian Music Radio Station Z88.3 FM for many years now. I like the uplifting music they play, and I know people who don't even identify as Christian who use this station as a primary source for listening when they're in their car. That's how awesome the music is.

Anyway, at a Grief Share meeting, the hosts like to play a song to start each session. They've played songs I knew, and songs that were newer, such as the one below. I had heard it maybe once or twice before, but I hadn't paid attention to the lyrics. I did this time, also thanks to captions. And damn! Tauren Wells is an amazing singer. So incredibly talented, and his song "Joy in the Morning," is full of hope and joy and power. It's impossible not to sing it.

After I heard it at the meeting, I shared it on Facebook. Then, days later, when I had to drive past the hospital where my mom passed away, I was holding back tears. A minute or two after I drove past the hospital, this song came on, and I truly felt like it was a sign, a gift. I thanked my mom for sending it to me right in the exact moment I needed it.

In fact, every time I was in my car driving and sadness hit me out of nowhere, this song always came on to comfort me. Without fail.

This is the video they played at the meeting:

And this is a powerful version with Elevation Worship I found later:



B - Beach

C - Church

D - Donating

E - Epistle (Letter from Heaven)

F - Facebook Posts

G - Grief Share

H - Haiku Poetry

I - Imari

J - Job (New Job)

K - Kitchen Time

L - Ladybug Rocks #LadyBugRocksFL

M - Miracle Moments

N - Nature

O - Our Story (Keepsake Journal)

P - Playlist + Photo Collages

Q - Quiet (Reading) Time

R - Removing and Redecorating

S - Sammy the Teddy Bear

T - Tauren Wells "Joy in the Morning"


  1. Your mom is still looking out for you. Hugs!

  2. I just listened to it. BEAUTIFUL SONG!!! Thank you for sharing.

  3. It's a beautiful song. It's been a long time since I felt joy in the morning.

    1. I don’t usually feel joy in the morning…I’m not a morning person. lol

  4. I'm currently in a class, so I can't play the song. It's good you found something that brings you joy.

    1. When you get a chance, I hope you give it a listen.

  5. Tauren Wells is brilliant. My favourite of his is Fully Known. Thank God for Christian radio. I've heard many stories of people being 'accidentally' ministered to (helped) by listening to uplifting songs and content. Our local one is called Pulse 94.1FM.

    1. Tauren Wells is so talented. He has many great songs.

  6. Music has many fine qualities, including helping us through difficult times.

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