Lately, I’ve had a lot of dreams about my teeth falling out. In one of my dreams, my canine tooth became loose and fell out after I touched it. Then one by one all of my teeth detached from my gums and fell into my opened palm. In another dream, my teeth crumbled into porcelain bits and my mouth filled with blood. It didn’t hurt, but I was spitting out ground up pieces of my teeth like a beaver would spit out splinters.
These dreams deeply disturbed me, so I went on a hunt for a meaning. I found that the most common interpretation is stress.
Meanings for Losing Teeth in Dreams:
* Representation of anxiety and sometimes depressive states
* Feelings of helplessness and lack of control over one’s life circumstances.
* A costly compromise or decision
* Radical change going from the old to the new
* Starting something a new phase in your life or project.
All of the above apply to me, especially the last two. After I signed the contract in July for The Wild Rose Press to publish Hurricane Crimes, I was suddenly thrust into a new world with my insecurities flapping around me like wings. How insecure you ask? Well, I just changed my FB page category from Writer to Author on the 1st because, although I have had a few small things published, I've been insecure about calling myself an author.
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TEETH!!! (My teeth.) |
Since Hurricane Crimes is my debut, planning how to
promote it has caused a lot of hair-pulling-out. Luckily, I like to have
things figured out well before they are due, so after I stopped hyperventilating I created a long
list of promotional ideas.
But there’s still a voice in the back of my head saying, “I’m a newbie! Who the heck will buy an eBook written by an unknown author? What if all of my promoting doesn’t get me a single sale beyond my support system?” I silence that voice the best I can, but I have a feeling that while I am doing my blog tour and anxiously watching the sales figures, I am still going to have dreams about my teeth falling out. . . .
But there’s still a voice in the back of my head saying, “I’m a newbie! Who the heck will buy an eBook written by an unknown author? What if all of my promoting doesn’t get me a single sale beyond my support system?” I silence that voice the best I can, but I have a feeling that while I am doing my blog tour and anxiously watching the sales figures, I am still going to have dreams about my teeth falling out. . . .
Have you ever had a dream like this before?
Have you published an eBook? What was your strategy for promotion?
I've had dreams where my teeth have fallen out before, they are not fun! I was under stress at the time, so it's definitely a likely reason.
ReplyDeleteGood luck promoting your debut!
Definitely not fun!
DeleteThank you very much, Laura! :)
I've had these dreams too. Never thought to look up what they meant. Makes sense now.
ReplyDeleteIf a dream is particularly odd or if I a theme is repeated, I always look up the meaning. :)
DeleteI haven't had dreams about teeth falling out but I've had lots of crazy ones! I never thought about looking up their meaning. Instead, I've always tried to turn them into stories! LOL
ReplyDeleteDON'T watch your sales figures. That's the best piece of advice I can give you. We are obsessive people, we writers. Your figures will make you swing between blissful highs and wallow-in-the-mud lows. Ignore them the best you can.
Also - and you already know this - keep busy writing another book. You've let this one move out to fly on its own. It's gone. Write a new one. :)
I turn a lot of my dreams into stories too. :) Even some nightmares. One nightmare was especially gruesome. I couldn't get it out of my head for days afterward, so I did the one thing a writer can do. I added the horrifying scene to my supernatural series. And once I did, it wasn't plaguing me anymore.
DeleteI don't want to watch the sales, and I really want to stay away from them, but like you said, writers are obsessive and I just might. But I'll do my best not to.
I've already sent another story to my editor (just waiting to hear back) and I'm more than half way through with my next book. I can never stop writing. :D
Thanks for your advice, River. It's always nice to hear from someone whose been there. :)
I've had dreams of my teeth falling out, too. There is a superstitious belief in the Philippines that when you have such dream, someone close to you will die. Weird, I know, and I refused to believe such thing. The aforementioned meanings apply to me, too, especially the first one, hence, my latest blog post. :-|
ReplyDeleteJust do the best you can and then leave the rest to God. :-)
Irene, I've been through depression too. Its difficult. I hope you can pull through and I'll say an extra prayer that things better better for you. <3
DeleteThank you! :)
Yes! I've had the losing teeth dream as well. I just hate those and I'm so relieved to find all my teeth intact when I wake up. Lately I've been dreaming about house cleaning and packing for a's so repetitive, yuck. I e-published on Amazon and it's doing quite well. Promotions are on my website, twitter (use Amazon hashtag), youtube, and just putting the link out there. Good luck with your first book. It sounds great!
ReplyDeleteDon't those dreams seem so real? I thought for sure I'd wake up and find my teeth were loose just like I did in my dream. *shivers*
DeleteThank you!! :D
Funny isn't it, you think once you've signed that contract things will change, and they do - but it's a whole other stress. Still, it is fun and a great journey! I had that dream once, and yes lots of stress. Stress produces some interesting dreams - and I'm like you, I use them!
ReplyDeleteWe always have expectations for what it'll be like when our dreams come true, but often it's more stressful than when we were trying to reach our dream. Stress does conjure strange dreams. And I don't particularly like them. lol But they do inspire me. ;)
DeleteI've heard of this dream before! Someone on Dr. Phil was saying how they have this dream and he said something about it meaning fearing a loss of power or control or something like that. Don't worry about your book! Sure, you'll be an unknown author but don't fret about that. I recently published an ebook and other than blog tours my strategy is this: write another book, and then another. Connect with readers and authors online. Support other writers by beta reading or promoting them on your blog and eventually your network will have grown (organically) and people will naturally want to help you spread the word of new releases. Slow and steady wins the race! (Unless, of course, you sell a million copies out the gate:)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Quanie! I am doing all of that and my network is growing bit by bit. I am also planning on a BIG blog tour. :D I know I shouldn't fret because I am doing everything in my power, but I think writers always do, especially new authors.
DeleteOh wouldn't a million copes sold be nice? lol I'm definitely NOT harboring that expectation though! :P
I just signed a contract with Wild Rose. We'll have to have release parties on one another's blogs or at least celebrate.
ReplyDeleteI haven't dreamed my teeth were going to fall out but last week I was awash with strange doubt. No idea where it fame from... writers are storage beings. Keep the faith.
CONGRATULATIONS on your contract!!! The Wild Rose Press is a great place and all the authors are amazing. You couldn't be among better people. I would love to host you on my blog when your book is released. :)
DeleteWe certainly are strange beings. And getting stranger. LOL!
Thank you! :D
I dream about losing things, being late, being unaware...but never did I lose my teeth. I have woken up with a sore jaw because I grind my teeth at night when I'm stressed.
ReplyDeleteI grind my teeth when I'm stressed too. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because I'm grinding my teeth so hard I can hear a high-pitched squeak in my sleep. lol
DeleteI, like you, am a newbie. Except I'm ever newer because I haven't published anything, But I nurse the same dreams of one day doing so, and I can imagine the level of insecurity I will experience at that time is above and beyond what you're going through, so let's just say that you're probably handling it pretty damned well.
ReplyDeleteEither way, the hard part is already done: you're written your book, it's published. That's the hard part, Now it's just a matter of doing the best you can to market and putting a lot of faith in the strength of your writing itself. I KNOW you will find fans. There are just too many damned people in the world with far too wide a range of preferences for none of them to like your work. Some of them will, and they will talk about how much they like you, and other people will give you a try because of what those people said. It will happen.
And in the mean time, if the bulk of the psychological stress you're experiencing are some rather entertaining dreams about losing your teeth, I'd say you're great.
I like to think I'm handling it pretty damn well. lol
DeleteHurricane Crimes isn't officially published yet, but it's getting there. :) And thank you! Your pep talk really helped me to put things into perspective.
Yes I've had this dream a couple of times I agree with the interpretations too. Amazing how dreams work. Thanks so much for your visit to my site today I appreciate your kind words and support.
ReplyDeleteDreams are curious things. You're welcome! :D
DeleteLOL! Everyone is going to love your book, and you sell millions of copies and buy a private island, or fund an amusement park based on it. Seriously though, you can't be optimistic enough. You will find an audience, and they'll adore your work and shower you with cheese. It's going to happen. This is not an "if", it's a "when."
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU, Crystal! That made me feel a LOT better. :D
DeleteWhoa, I have dreams about my teeth falling out all the time!! Especially since I did get my front teeth knocked out when I was 19. Bad JuJu! Anywho, it sounds like you have your head together about promotions way better than myself. I'm a newbie too, by the way. Nice to meet you Chrys.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear that I'm not the only one plagued by these dreams. Hi, Cathrina! Since we are both newbies we can help each other. :D
DeleteI used to have dreams like this all the time. They were so real, and really bothered me too.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on having your novel published! That's so exciting. I can completely understand your anxiety, and even if your sales are slow at first, over time you'll find your audience. Everything seems to take time in this business, unless you're writing about sparkling vampires or S&M. :) And you have to be the first to write about those things.
Thank you for being so supportive to other writers. That karma will come back to you.
Another one whose had these dreams. We should start a club! lol
DeleteThank you so much, Holli! It's more a short story and it's not published yet, but thank you! :) Oh yes, I've noticed that the only people who skyrocket to fame and riches are those who write about sparkling vampires and S&M. I don't write about either, but I still wish I had that kind of luck. lol
I just do what I can. Thank you for being so kind back. :)
Dreams are fascinating. I've never had one about my teeth falling out, but I've had a few I wish I could forget. Congrats on your book.
ReplyDeleteThey are! And thank you! :)
DeleteI've had dreams like that since I was a kid. My grandmother would tell me that dreaming of your teeth falling out means money is about to come to you. Ha!
I'm surprised at how many bloggers/writers say they've had the same dream. Unfortunately mine never bring me money. lol
DeleteI'm the same. By the time Carina had offered me the 2 book deal, I had already had some idea of what I would do for promoting my first book. This has continued to evolve as I get more ideas and study what others have done before me.
ReplyDeleteLoved Holli's comments. Words to live by. :D
My promotional ideas have grown too, and I've gotten more creative. I can't wait to put them into play and see what happens. :)
DeleteThank you for your comment, Stina!
Don't worry! You have a large group of friends here online who will help you. Check out the marketing page on the IWSG site for some great links as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Alex. That does make me feel better. And I will! :)
DeleteIt's not just newbies who wonder if or why anyone would buy their book. Write a good book is #1. Then start writing the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. I've read it takes at least 5 books (good books) before you really get noticed. All the promo in the world won't help a so-so book. Build a network of friends (like IWSG). Help others. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteOh dear! Then I guess I have a lot of waiting and publishing to do. lol
DeleteThank you, Diane!
Hi Chrys,
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea how flattered that so many do the IWSG aka "I Was Seeking Gary", tribute. Okay, delusional moment is over.
It seems the dream is also an indication that with change lies further challenge. You embrace the challenge at positivity will transpire. I note the support and encouragement you are receiving. I shall do my best to bring further awareness of you and your book endeavour, my friend. Yes, even on um 'Farcebook' :)
Keep smiling and embrace the good stuff.
Gary :)
Thank you so much for your support, Gary! I really appreciate it. :)
DeleteI haven't had the teeth dream, but often when I'm stressed or worried I have "the school dream." Which is simply that it's my first day and I'm either a. very late, b. very lost, or both. It's always been about me getting to school until just the other day, actually, when I dreamed I couldn't find my son's school.
ReplyDeleteOh, I hate the school dreams! I don't have a recurring dream, but I do have a lot of dreams where I'm back in high school and I hate it! lol
DeleteI completely understand what you are going through, Chrys. Although I experienced a great deal of anxiety when I decided to publish my work under a pen name, I have learned that through experience, there is growth. As much as we want sales and to become the next best selling author, the most important thing to remember is how much we grow from the journey; not just as an author, but as a writer. I will always know in my heart that I am a writer. Being an author means we have published works out there but it's the writer within us that drives us to become an author. And we must not forget about the roads within our hearts which take us there. I hope your fears and anxiety fade away into the aftermath of the success you are destined to become!
ReplyDeleteVery great words of wisdom, Gina! While I was reading you comment I experienced a much needed calming effect.
DeleteThank you very much!! :D
I used to hear that dreams of teeth falling out meant a lot of money was coming ones way, but that must have been from someone who still believed in a Tooth Fairy. Me, I believe in the dentist and losing teeth means money leaving my bank account and going to the dental clinic.
ReplyDeleteI think the interpretations you've listed make the most sense. Sometimes I've dreamed that my caps have come loose and I'm choking on them. I wake up in a panic trying to dislodge it until I come to my senses and realize it's only a dream. Hate that dream!
Special report today on the "Story Sprouts" book launch in L.A.
Lot's of pictures in this one!
Tossing It Out
Eek! I never choked on my teeth in my dream and I'm glad, as that dream would terrify me. I don't blame you for hating that one!
Deletelol I haven't seen a penny for any of my teeth-falling-out dreams.
Hi Chrys!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I've never had a dream involving teeth like this but I have definitely had my share of anxiety-related dreams. I can totally relate to what you are feeling here. But congratulations on your contract and upcoming release, that is so exciting!! Thanks so much for coming by my blog yesterday, I'm so glad to meet you as a result.
And thanks for the offer to host me here, I would love that! I am doing a blog tour in December after the release of my book on the 5th and would be thrilled to have a spot here. Just email me at if you are still interested, I so appreciate the offer.
And I would also love to return the favor and host you, just say the word! Again I'm so glad to meet you and look forward to following along here as your publication date draws closer. :)
Thank you, Julie! I am sending you an email right now because I am very interested in hosting you! :) And thank you for the offer in return. I am definitely taking you up on that. lol
DeleteI'm glad to meet you too.
Thanks again! :)
I've never had that dream. Of course now I will. Ughh. Good luck with your book. I'm sure everything will go well for you. :)
ReplyDeleteOops, I'm sorry! And thank you! :)
DeleteThank you, Jen! What's funny is that I had another dream about my teeth falling out this morning! lol